St Gabriel’s Catholic Primary School Bexley offers many co-curricular activities, including a variety of sporting activities at school including sports, creative and practical arts, debating, social justice and more.

Students at St Gabriel’s are given the opportunity to develop skills in a wide variety of sports. Outside specialists deliver programs in areas such as gymnastics, dance, basketball, rugby league, cricket and tennis. Students also have the opportunity, as part of the Sydney Archdiocese, to take part in selection trials for soccer, netball, rugby league, cricket, tennis, rugby union, softball, athletics and swimming. The school has a swimming and an athletic carnival each year. Students in Years 3–6 are involved in an inter-school sporting competition involving six of the local Catholic schools.

STEM is an approach to learning that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. All students from kindergarten to Year 6 enjoy the opportunity to develop their skills in problem solving, collaboration, creativity and critical analysis. The school is well-resourced with innovative technology to support student learning.

At our school, we value debating as a form of communicating a certain position on a specific topic. Debating in a public forum fosters student confidence and co-operation and involves developing and presenting an argument in a team environment. Each year, our senior students are given the opportunity to take part in the Inter School Debating Competition.

Creative Arts
A specialist Creative Arts teacher is employed to work with all classes each week. This program includes visual arts, music, drama and dance. Programs nurture creativity and allow all students to shine in their particular interest in the arts.

Practical Arts
Students from St Gabriel’s have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and be part of the school band. The choir is open to all students to join. Annual performances include joining the community Christmas Carols.